In Today's life everything is done by advance technology. Lets talk about Marketing. Marketing is Two type- Traditional and Digital. so here we were talk about Digital marketing, so lets start first i will explain what is Digital marketing.
Digital Marketing is a marketing but it is done in advance way with the help of technologies or tool. Digital marketing is advertisement done through digital channel such as seo,pay per click,mobile apps,sem,social media etc. Before know more about digital marketing first we understood why digital marketing even there is one more option that is traditional marketing, so first understood WHY DIGITAL MARKETING?
Image result for why digital marketing
As you all see in today's life everyone on social media and everything is done online. You all see a few persons listen radio, t.v, and new generation is use advance technology. We all have smartphone and using social media and check all post. So if  marketer gave advertisement about their product on newspaper or radio so very less people see those add, so marketer see everyone use smartphone, having laptop and use social media, if marketer gave ad on social media or in digital way then many people see them and they get benefit. And digital marketing not cost consuming and it save the time.
In old time when marketer used to traditional marketing for advertisement, they can't able to see who see their ad, but in case of digital marketing, the marketer able to see, who seen their ad and also must able to talk with customer online.
So you see there are many benefit of digital marketing so that's by digital marketing is more used by Company's.


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