Everything gives us some benefits and loss. There are some advantage and disadvantage of  digital marketing,so let's talk about that.

Some of the benefit i already discuss. So more benefit are written below
  •  It is available at low cost
  •  It is measurable
  •  It save time
  •  Viral
  •  High engagement
  •  Help in communication with customer
  •  Build Brand Image
  •  Easy way to advertising
  •  Help to reach more audience
  •  Help to promote your product
  •  Flexible
so above i explain advantage of digital marketing, now i am going to explain disadvantage of digital marketing.

  •  Need experts 
  •  Word of mouth, it mean if any dissatisfy customer gave  negative feedback about your product, its create bad image  for your product, because its is world wide marketing, so  its take couple of second to viral the feedback of your  customer
  •  A large number of clients still do not understand the idea  of digital marketing. It is very hard to attract such clients  to generate more business.
  •  It requires a lot of patience and hard work.

Any business need experts for marketing. For get better result every business need some patience because for create a good image and get profit business take some time. so be patience because the droplets fill the pot from the drop. So for create large number of audience you need to put some efforts and need time.


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